14 facts about the paleo diet for beginners

Paleo diets have attracted a lot of followers. And you've probably heard about it and imagine a basis of paleo food plan. But fame breeds rumor and misunderstanding. We've collected 14 most surprising facts about the paleo diet for beginners.

1. Paleo diet and paleo lifestyle is not an attempt to reproduce the life of Neanderthals.

It's a way to write principles of diet and life of our ancestors in a modern context: healthy nutrients riched foods containing a minimum of toxins; regular training; sleep at least 8 hours; stress management; games and getting life pleasure.

2. Low-carb/ketogenic diet and paleo diet are two different things.

Most hunter-gatherers didn't eat low-carb meals. The average consumption of carbohydrates was 30-40% of all calories. This is not a low-carb diet! This amount of carbohydrates is considered to be average. Even on a diet of Inuits was a lot of carbohydrates, since the analysis of seals meat (one of the main food sources of the Inuit) showed a presence from 6 % to 30 % of carbohydrates, due to the large reserves of glycogen. In addition, edible plants and roots were always an important part of cavemen food.

3. A paleolithic diet is not a postulate. It's a lifestyle.

Our ancestors who lived on different continents had different meals and lifestyle. Š”urrently there are many variants of proper nutrition which improves the health and well-being. Some peoples feel better when they eat a lot of carbohydrates while others feel better when they reduce consumption. Someone needs a high intake of protein (20%-25% of calories), and someone more useful to limit protein intake (10%-15%). The same applies to fats - there are people who feel well with a very high-fat consumption and there are those who feels worse after increasing fat in the diet menu. (Cholesterol increases in the presence of a particular gene in the blood).

4. Paleo foods - a source of healthy nutrients.

If we consider each product on nutrient content, the most concentrated will be paleo foods: animals liver, herbs and spices, nuts and seeds, eggs, fish and seafood, beef, lamb and poultry, vegetables, and fruits.

5. Not necessarily to follow a diet very strictly to benefit from a paleo lifestyle.

Doesn't matter what a fanatics say, you need to remove harmful products from your balanced meal plan - gluten, sugar and fructose syrup, vegetable oils high in omega-6 fatty acids to get the benefits of this nutrition. Unfortunately, this does not apply to people with any illness (autoimmune diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, allergy or intolerance to certain foods). These people are forced to strictly adhere to the rules. But if a person is healthy, it's not necessary.

6. Sugar is not a toxin.

Sugar is not poison, but it will not replace real food. A small amount of sugar can be added to nutrients-riched balanced meal plan (especially natural - honey, molasses, maple syrup). Main to remember - it is designed for rare use.

7. You will not feel better immediately after starting the paleo diet.

If you ate a lot of refined foods and many carbs, the body needs time to readjust. The lack of instant results does not mean that the diet doesn't work for you – just need a time.

8. The paleo diet is designed not only to reduce weight, it can prevent and slow a progression of serious diseases.

The paleo diet is exceptionally helpful for healthy weight loss, but it does much more for you. It is actively used in the health problems from type 2 diabetes to irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders, multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune problems, for assistance with infertility and hormonal imbalance.

9. For some people, dairy products of normal fat content is a useful addition to the diet.

The strict version of the paleo diet meal plan excludes dairy products because our ancestors didn't use them. Some people really can not tolerate milk sugar – lactose, and proteins (in addition, milk protein may cause a cross reaction with gluten, which makes it particularly problematic). But modern research shows that the milk products of (normal fat content) can be useful to health, including obesity, diabetes, infertility. Genetic analysis of some human populations shows possible genetic adaptation to dairy products (the inhabitants of Northern Europe or Central Africa) despite the significant consumption of dairy products they remain healthy.

10. Red meat is one of the most useful products on earth.

We were told that meat should be consumed as little as possible. But it's not. Meat is one of the most concentrated on the content of nutrients product. It contains vitamins and minerals in their most easily assimilated form of protein that are the building blocks for the body.

11. The paleo meals are not necessarily expensive.

Natural riched-nutrients foods are more expensive than refined (empty calories), you don't need to rob a bank for a proper nutrition. Planning and a reasonable purchase of products will help to avoid unnecessary spending: buy seasonal, local vegetables and fruits, buy in bulk if possible, etc.

12. Paleo lifestyle – not just diet.

Of course, a meal plan is a central part of the paleo lifestyle, but it is not limited to this. It is also such aspects of life as: stress management, physical activity, proper rest and adequate sleep.

13. The right starches – paleo foods.

Some adherents of the paleo diet say you should avoid starches because they cause obesity and other diseases. Refined starches, such as wheat flour are bad for health, but we can eat natural starchy foods - bananas, arrowroot, and others. Our ancestors ate these foods million years ago and was characterized by excellent health.

14. Don't have to be a chef to adhere a paleolithic diet.

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