5 misconceptions to lose weight easily

People with excess weight wish to lose pounds fast. Often they do this via unhealthy methods. In this article, we list six key things that should be avoided when you seeking a beautiful figure. 

1. Starvation and low-calorie diets 

Drastic reduction in calorie intake causes the body to burn fat together with muscle mass. But the muscles are a major tool in the fight against excess weight: They not only provide an opportunity to train effectively but also help to get rid of a huge number of consumed calories, because even in a resting state, muscles spend three times more calories than fat tissue. At the initial stage of fasting, the body basically gets rid of muscle, water and a small amount of fat. All this leads to a strong slowing down of the metabolism. The body immediately reacts to the lack of energy trying to reduce its costs and to accumulate reserves. Therefore, it often ends with a set of new pounds. Do not abbreviate calorie diet more than 500 calories, and do not reduce the diet to less than 1200 kcal. Otherwise, it may develop metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes. 

2. Questionable medications for "healthy ways to lose weight fast" and dietary Supplements 

Almost none of the supplements and diet pills have no effect. And if they help, along the way cause great harm to the entire body. Such conclusions were made by the European Congress of scientists convened last year after a series of damning studies. Doctors have determined that the effectiveness of one such drug does not exceed the effectiveness of placebos.

As for medicines, they do help to shed pounds. They are usually prescribed for seriously ill patients, e.g. suffering from type II diabetes, as they allow to regulate carbohydrate metabolism. People not having health problems, along with a few kilograms of excess weight after taking these medicines lose fat with health. 

3. Removal of toxins 

This is probably one of the most common myths that have been repeatedly refuted. However, people use bad advice, and then many begin to ask for help after a number of these cleanings.

Removal of toxins to lose weight easy usually involves the use of enemas. Supposedly in the body contains a huge amount of unnecessary substances, from which it is necessary to get rid of. However, there ain't no toxins, and evidence-based medicine does not even contain this term. There are toxins really stored in the body, for example, through the active functioning of the enterprises of the chemical industry. And removes them from the body only a doctor in a hospital, and with the help of expensive modern equipment. The procedure of colon hydrotherapy in itself is very harmful to the intestinal flora. If you get carried away with an enema, the consequences can be very sad you will not be able to go to the toilet. 

4. Too difficult physical exercise 

The principle bodybuilders "No pain No gain" not the best guide for training. The pain indicates that the body that something is wrong and you need to stop doing it.

Academy of sports medicine in the United States offers 2 programs of physical exercises: 

  • Cardio training moderate intensity at least half an hour 5 days a week. 
  • Cardio workout high intensity for at least 20 minutes 3 times per week and 8-10 strength training exercises 8-12 repetitions, 2 times per week. 

Regardless of the advice of experts, some people believe that the more time and effort they spend on the classes, the healthier we become. That's not true. In any physical activity need to know when to stop. 

5. Smoking for fast weight loss 

People who are overweight believe they can lose their pounds if they smoke. In fact, nicotine can be a little overwhelming appetite, however, the harm of this habit many times greater than the benefit. After a person quits Smoking, he accumulates a few extra pounds. To overcome this, you need to make adjustments to diet and exercise without going back to Smoking.


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