How to remove a sagging belly? quickest way to burn belly fat

People who never dealt with the droopy stomach on your body, often wonder what could cause such a problem? Actually, versions of the source of the problem can be very different.

Here are just some of them:
  • Genetic predisposition implies the presence among the relatives of people suffering from obesity;
  • Not enough physical activity, people are forced to sit all day in the office;
  • Lack of proper sleep;
  • Constant stress, which adversely affect the operation of all systems of the human body;
  • Violation of hormonal background;
  • The worst ecological situation in the region where a person lives, which may cause disorders of the thyroid gland, which obviously entails a weight gain;
  • Too low or too high blood sugar levels;
  • Low quality of  food.

Where is the fat taken?

Body fat in the abdominal region is called visceral. Numerous studies have shown that the accumulation of such fat in the first place predisposed women in menopause and men in andropause period.

With visceral fat, you have to fight without slowdowns, because significant deposition can cause the development of the second degree of diabetes may be the cause of cardiovascular diseases.

How to deal with a flabby stomach?

1.Reduce calories without strict dieting

Useless calories that we absorb daily, do not carry energy value to the work of the body, but only lay on the sides and belly. The waiver of those calories does not imply strict grueling diet, you will feel quite comfortable and thus be able to say goodbye to the flabby belly. So, these products must be excluded from your meal plan:

  • flour and pastry that we all love and paying the price for their weakness by excess fat on the body;
  • fried foods absorb a huge amount of fat in the cooking process;
  • cheese and dairy products with high-fat content;
  • meat products - sausages, frankfurters, which contain a huge amount of salt, and the salt, in turn, retains water in the body;
  • sweet drinks, sweet carbonated water. 

Avoiding these foods on lean boiled and steamed seafood, lean meats, vegetables and fruits, and cereals - they will give your body the essential vitamins and minerals, but will not remain on your sides.

2.Saturate the body with fiber

The bulk of nutrients coming into the body every day should fall on the fiber. So, daily intake of fiber for women ranges from 21 to 25 g for men is in the range of 30-38 g. fiber-Rich products quickly create a feeling of satiety, and therefore, eating them, you won't overeat.
A high percentage of fiber content can boast of whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables as well as legumes.

3.Drink pure water

Unfortunately, we have to focus on the seemingly natural things a man needs water. Not tea, not coffee, not juice and compotes, and an ordinary clean drinking water. Drinking water contains 0 calories, which allows to use it in any quantity and at any time.
Water cleanses the body and provides full operation of its many systems. Water increases the volume enters the stomach tissue, providing the possibility of much faster to feel satiety. Therefore, nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of water right before a meal.

4.Eat fractional 

Experts have proven that the optimal interval between meals should not take more than three hours. Therefore, you should eat often but small portions - this diet will have a beneficial effect on your figure. Food, time enters the body, normalizes blood sugar levels, thereby the fat on the stomach is not delayed. 

Finally, I would like to mention that if you want to say goodbye to the flabby belly as soon as possible, should reduce the number of calories consumed. The advice above is not a diet, it's just the rules of a healthy diet, following which you will not gain weight. 

If you start to eat properly and firmly to go to his goal weight is gradually returning to normal, but it will be a long process. If you want to quickly achieve results - gradually decrease the amount consumed per day of calories.


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