How to lose weight during breastfeeding?

During pregnancy, most women gain extra pounds. Not all young mothers are ready to accept these changes, therefore, immediately after birth, they are ready to join the fight against obesity. But how to lose weight during breastfeeding and not to spoil the milk?

In fact, even nursing mothers to eat for two is not necessary, because the child needs much fewer nutrients than an adult, namely: daily intake of calorie for the mother is 1500 and baby – just under 500. Total, You need to increase a number of calories by only a third, but not twice.

No special rules about how to lose weight during breastfeeding do not exist. It is only necessary to limit the number of consumed calories and to increase physical activity – these tips are suitable for absolutely anyone who wants to lose a couple extra pounds.

To limit yourself to a food you need so that the number of calories was normal and not to torment themselves debilitating diet and fall into the hungry fainting. Your balanced diet will give benefits to  baby, but did not hurt. Do not worry about satiety milk, it will be nourishing enough.

As for the food – lean on products that relate to healthy food, that is, containing large amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber. Eat often, about 4-5 times a day but small portions, preferably at the same time. Do not eat at night. Before bedtime drink a glass of useful not very fat yogurt. Refrain from sweets, muffins, but also from the fat, smoked, salty and spicy food. Fatty foods affect the composition of Your milk. By using it, You are risking to reward your baby with regular constipation.

Allot at least half an hour daily for physical exercises. They easily can be done even in parallel with watching TV or when You wait until the kettle boils, so to refer to a lack of free time here it is impossible. It would wish. 

When you walk with the baby, try to walk fast and at a good pace to go with the stroller longer distances than before.

By following the Above tips, You will soon regain that slim figure that you had before pregnancy.


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