How to eat to remove belly fat?

Before you embark on the path of weight loss and healthy nutrition, you need to prepare for not only mentally but physically as well. Therefore, the first step is the General cleaning of the body. Body cleansing is carried out in various ways, one of which is enema in a volume of 4 liters with salt water, which is done every 2 days for 2 weeks! After this challengе, you will be much more interesting to eat to remove belly fat and to never go through such a nightmare. 

There is a perception that it is enough just to go on a diet and ugly to follow her, hoping that the pounds will go, and happiness will come. This is one of the most terrible of self-deceptions of mankind, the view that everything is very simple. It's much easier to sit online and write in comments about another diet "it's stupidity and nonsense that a single pound on it are gone". So how is it to eat to get rid of the abdomen, flanks, hint of cellulite on buttocks and thighs? 

In order to understand how to eat properly to remove belly fat, one diet is not enough. You need to use a comprehensive approach, which involves many things, including: 

  • Diet, and more importantly a healthy nutrition 
  • A strict daily schedule and rest sleep 
  • Physical activity, exercise, Hoop 

This small complex will bring you to a result much faster than just diet, which will be followed incorrectly: 

The question of power remains open. But it will not be difficult to outline all that it is and to answer the question of what to eat to burn belly fat? 

  • Sugar. From your diet should completely eliminate sugar can't eat anything sweet, candy, chocolate, marmalade and other questionable Goodies should go out of your life.
  • Fluid. Can't drink coffee, sweet tea. Useful is the use of high-quality green tea, plain water. Eating yogurt will stabilize the work of the intestine and its microflora. 
  • Fried. Anything fried is now impossible! Go to steam cooking this food is much more useful from any point of view. 

In addition, you need to remember, you can't eat for 3-4 hours before bedtime, snacking between meals, too. Drink plenty of fluids.


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