How to create your own effectively eating program?

Use our guide that consists of six easy steps to create a daily eating plan. It will be unique a very effective.

Step 1: Choose a name

You surely want your meal plan to work. To achieve this you should first come up with a suitable name for it. It should not contain geographical or product names and references to time. Use the Gestalt theory, which says that words unconsciously convey symbolic ideas which stand behind their meanings. Something that people usually associate with health and good physical shape would be perfect.

Step 2: Select a product group

If you don’t limit yourself, it's not a real diet. Do not puzzle yourself thinking which group to exclude, just leave out carbohydrates, as most people do. Diet that eliminates carbohydrates is three times more effective than a diet that excludes fats. 

Step 3: Think of a rule (or two)

Make out brilliant, unique and extravagant rules of your diet. For instance, use only red plates. Or eat with a big fork. Or cut everything into tiny little cubes. Let them be funny, more importantly, make them easy to follow.

Step 4: Equip yourself with scientific knowledge

Get rid of pseudoscientific data. If there is no real science behind your meal plan, you'll be just another guy who does strange things with his meal. Fortunately, physiology and psychology of weight loss is a well-researched area and you can say with confidence that a red plate ('American Journal of Preventive Medicine'), a large fork ('University of Utah') and tiny little cubes ('Journal of the American Dietetic Association') really help to reduce the calorie intake.

Step 5: Now, tell everyone

Do not follow the example of vegans, who tire everybody who agrees to listen to them by telling about their "conscious decision not to eat death." Your social network should become your platform. It is the most effective way to introduce more people to your diet and to initiate a discussion on how it works, which, in its turn, will help you to change it for the better. Permanent sharing of the achieved goals and progress in social networks helps to effectively lose weight. Studies have shown that every 10 posts lead to the loss of 0.5% of weight. So, tweet what you've eaten and where you have found this great article ;)

Step 6: Forget everything that you have come up with

Start all over again - think of a new meal plan and repeat it until you reach the result you wanted. According to the 'International Journal of Obesity', short-term plans lead to a weight loss of 5-10% in just three weeks, but their effect stabilizes quickly. Constant change of your plan will help you to avoid that. 


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