Exercises for weight loss on belly and sides. Recommendations and necessary equipment

Modern women want to be always in form, but often not enough time for a fitness club. Problem areas of the body, which often accumulate fat are the abdomen and flanks. In our article, we will consider exercise for weight loss belly and sides. Folds with these parts of the body are the hardest to remove.

Sites offer many video and exercises systems. We consider the most effective of them.

Recommendations for exercise

Fat deposits on flanks and belly go away harder and longer. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, reserves of endurance and patience. Three simple rules will help to achieve results faster:

  • exercises at home
  • active lifestyle
  • nutrition

It is very important to be active, especially if you have a sedentary job. All that energy you get from food will not be consumed. Here it is and deposited on the sides and belly. Get energy from eating the right fresh fruits, vegetables, protein, foods low in fat and, of course, water. Drink per day 1.5-2 liters. 

Exclude from the diet of fried, fat, flour. Reduce intake of sugar, salt, spicy. Do not drink carbonated beverages. Be patient, exercise for weight loss belly and sides do not show the result after one time. Will have to sweat more than one month.

Do not do strenuous exercise immediately after a meal. Must elapse from the time of the meal about 1.5 hours. Follow the water level.

The base of exercises for weight loss belly at home – regularity. Of course, still important to perform them technically correct. The exercises shall be formed as follows:

  1. warm-up exercises
  2. cardio exercises
  3. stretching
  4. strength exercises

To perform a warm-up is necessary. This will prepare your body and warm up your muscles before you begin heavy training.  With the right approach to the implementation of the results will be noticeable much earlier. Special exercises for weight loss you will form the desired reliefs.


Before performing strength exercises for slimming the abdomen at home you need to warm up a little. The warm-up takes 20-25 minutes.

  • jog on the spot
  • jumping rope
Lie on your back, spread arms apart (legs bent at the knees). Lift them off the floor. Lean on arms and turn the feet left and right, the body remains stationary. Linger when turning for 3-4 seconds.

Exercises for the abdomen 

Your diet should include cereals, grains, lean meat, vegetables, fish. Eliminate all meats and conservation, they prevent the release of excess fluid. This is very important in weight loss.

Exercises for slimming the abdomen are divided into two groups. These exercises are unique, they are suitable for both men and women.  Fulfill their need every 2 days. They consist of:

  • exercises aimed at fat removal
  • exercises to bring the skin and the stomach to tone
Do weight training better in the first half of the day, to 12 hours. If this is not possible, then transfer the exercise to the evening after 19 hours. Set yourself a regime and do exercises at the same time.

Lie on your back, put your hands on the back of his head. Place your feet shoulder width apart, legs bent at the knees. Lift the body to the knees on exhale and the inhale – to its original position. The number of repetitions depends on your sports training if you are a beginner – enough for 10-15, if you believe in yourself, then 20-25.

Better do the exercise slower, but technically correct. You will feel the load. The sequence of execution of another exercise:  lie on your right side and one hand rest against the floor, lift the straight leg higher above the floor, do 10-15 reps, similarly, to the other side.

Exercises for the sides

Exercise for weight loss sides good combined with exercises for the stomach area. The described exercises are easy to perform at home. Lie on your back, hands behind head, feet wider than shoulder width, legs bent. Make turns the body left and right. The body should remain straight. Streak in three sets of 12-15 repetitions. 

Without changing the original position, do the following exercise for weight loss laterally. 
Put a foot on the knee of the other leg. Reach opposite arm to the bent knee. After 10-15 repetitions, change the position of the legs. 

The effectiveness of the exercise

It is better to conduct classes only 3-4 times a week. It is optimal to engage at the same time. Do series of 3 approaches. Every day 3-5 times increase the number of repetitions. Look to his personal feelings. You are working not on speed, but to achieve the result. 

Add to the main complex a few more exercises:

  • jumping rope
  • squats
  • running in place
  • hula-hoop
For problematic parts, you can also do massages or body wraps. Do beauty treatments from lifting creams. Use folk remedies.

Equipment for weight loss at home. 

If you have a home there are additional sports equipment, can easily dilute their own training. 

  • dumbbells
  • gym ball
  • hula-hoop
  • jumping rope
If you have a treadmill, it will be a great cardio loads before the main workout. Such exercises effectively burn excess fat. The more you walk, give preference to climbing stairs.

After exercises
After exercise for weight loss belly and sides is required to recover. Immediately after training it is impossible to lie down and relax from fatigue. At the end of the exercise, do breathing exercises. Rising through the sides of the hands up take a deep breath. On the exhale, lower your arms down. Make several continuous sharp exhalations. Pull your muscles.

During exercise do not forget about your water balance. Take breaks for water intake.

In conclusion

To consolidate the results can additionally:

  • make wraps
  • massage
  • make herbal baths
  • to use anti-cellulite creams
For practicing choose not hampering clothing. On the floor lay a gym Mat or blanket. In compliance with all terms of the effect of exercise in the home, you will notice after a month.


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