Benefits of cupping therapy from cellulite

Often lose a couple extra pounds is much easier than to get rid of the ugly "orange peel", covering the buttocks, legs, and the stomach. And,despite the fact that cellulite is formed by fat tissue, it attacks even the very skinny girls. 

There are many ways to get rid of cellulite. Unfortunately, they require prolonged use and the result is not immediately noticeable. But still, girls are ready for more for the beauty of his body! An effective way to eliminate "orange peel" are the anti-cellulite cups, which is a special kind of massage. 

To test this method, of course, you need to acquire the necessary tool. Massage bank and glass medical bank it is absolutely different things. Massage anti-cellulite cup is made from silicone or rubber, it creases easily. This can be purchased at the pharmacy, for the procedure You need is one. Along with a cup, you will get the instruction on its correct use, as well as a scheme massage lines. The latter is particularly important because the massage should be done strictly according to the lines, so as not to cause health damage.

When the anti-cellulite cup ready to use, care should be taken about the special means for carrying out a massage. First, you need massage oil, preferably thermosetting, and secondly you need a body scrub. Start the procedure with the cleaning and warming of the skin. First, use the scrub, you can use any. It is possible to pre-add one dessert spoon of ground coffee. This will enhance the effect of cosmetics, plus caffeine itself boasts excellent anti-cellulite properties.

After cleansing, rinse off the scrub with water. The temperature of the water should be high enough it will help to warm up the skin. Then apply a thick layer to problem areas of the massage oil. The anti-cellulite cup needs to slide on the surface of the skin,otherwise, the procedure will not give have a positive effect, plus you run the risk of leaving the body many bruises.

Next, you need to squeeze with your fingers the anti-cellulite cup and put it on the heated skin. If all the preparations have been performed correctly, the cup will lightly stick to the skin, but not much. During the massage she constantly needs to be in motion, not to leave bruises. Need to move it only up and down.

The duration of the procedure should be 20-40 minutes. The course of massage is 1-6 months.


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