How to lose belly fat quick and easy? Home methods

So often a seemingly elusive goal of a flat stomach is, in fact, available each of the fair sex, but not lazy! Many women justify themselves by saying that too much fat, or the fact that they do not just sit on a diet, but all without result and they can't lose weight at all. But this is nothing more than excuses. Actually to remove belly fat at home this is not a problem. 

The easiest way to come to terms with their weight, to come up with an excuse or say that they feel very comfortable in her thick body. Why cheat on someone and yourself? Hardly any modern woman voluntarily refused to be slender. 

The very best of themselves to make candy, not blaming their gluttony on genetic predisposition and poor metabolism. Today there are many methods to remove belly fat at home, which successfully used by women. The main thing is this to want to be beautiful. Consider one of such methods. 

Stomach from an anatomical point of view 

Fat deposits in the abdomen are divided into two types: 

  • First visual. This is the fat that sometimes hangs over the tightly buttoned pants or the one for which you can easily imagine. In anatomy, it has a scientific name subcutaneous fat. 
  • The second type of fat is invisible. He hides inside the body and is called the visceral form. Visceral fat covering the internal organs, disrupting their work. This gives rise to such health problems as high cholesterol, and numerous heart diseases etc. 

The amount of visceral fat and the intensity of their accumulation depends on many factors:

  • age
  • hereditary predisposition to obesity 
  • the condition of a hormonal background

Women the accumulation of visceral fat faces in the postpartum period or after crossing the mark of middle age. 

Where to start? 

The most effective method to remove belly fat at home is physical exercise. The sport allows you to quickly burn fat cells and is moving steadily to meet the slender body. It is important to choose the most effective exercises. 

For example, squatting, you will not be able to get rid of the abdomen. Squats are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles, which in itself implies an increase in the volume of the stomach. Best to help you in burning body fat walking, swimming, Cycling. 

The minimum time of daily physical activity should be at least half an hour. If you are a beginner in this business, it is fashionable to start small and gradually increase the time of training. 

Muscle under control 

Apart from simple physical exercise, you need to perform power exercise. Using the power of the loads you will be able to increase your muscle mass, which in turn will lead to the acceleration of metabolism and, consequently, fat burning. Because of this, you will not only be able to remove the belly at home, but helps build beautiful abs.
Active squats, leg press, curl and leg, exercises for the thighs will help you to quickly achieve the desired result, and most importantly, keep it off forever. If you don't have time to go to the gym, but there is financial ability to buy the necessary machines and dumbbells, you will be able at any time to engage in in home. 

It is worth noting that some people are more suitable for home workouts, and some feel more comfortable in the company of like-minded people who prefer sports lifestyle. The most important thing is to feel comfortable and to start training with pleasure.
Optimal schedule physical workouts through the day. So, your body will recover faster and your performance will increase. 

With the help of physical activity, you get not only from your stomach but cellulite. 

Healthy nutrition 

Of course, people who want to lose weight, it is necessary to strictly monitor their diet. Every diet system and nutrition involve the exclusion from the diet of food containing a lot of fats and carbohydrates. 

Prohibitions and restrictions, of course, no one will like it, so we'll talk about what to eat can and should be. 

So, in your daily menu in the first place need to get foods rich in monounsaturated fats. They will take care of the proper functioning of your heart and will easily withstand any physical load. To determine daily calorie intake, you can use our tables. Having determined the required amount of calories for yourage and weight, feel free to subtract 500 calories from the resulting number, and you will lose half a kilogram a week. 

By regular training, you will not only take the fat, getting a flat belly but also significantly strengthen their health. Athletes are not afraid of the heart and other chronic diseases. Sport develops endurance, strengthens muscles and joints. 

It is important not to overdo it. So, if you've never played sports, start training with simple and not very long exercise. 

And don't despair if the weight doesn't start to burn instantly. Be patient and eventually the fat will not withstand your pressure.


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