How to run to lose weight easy?

In order to succeed in building your body, you need to work very hard and to sacrifice themselves. It is impossible to relax and give yourself leniency in the actions that have practical sense and high efficiency. But impossible to Deplete yourself physical exercise and zero diets. This approach will only hasten your dive into the ground when you need to seek a different outcome. One of the available physical activity is running. Often people ask how much running to lose weight easily? 

A definite answer to this question is to fail because to lose weight is unlikely to succeed, if just to stop drinking sweet tea, or to give up sweets. This is a complex that requires you to perform a strict mode of life. But this allows you to comprehend self-discipline and to curb all your desires what can be better than self-control? This has a direct impact on the strength of the will and creates the steel rod inside you.

To stimulate weight loss and development of cardiologic, you must do the following: 

  • Observe the regime 
  • Eat Right 
  • Get plenty of rest 

Many girls and boys in the pursuit of beautiful bodies begin to do the wrong things, running for 20 miles a day simply killing your feet and draining the heart muscle, reducing its validity. How much running to lose weight easily without harm, and Vice versa with benefits for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems?

The grueling run will not bring any benefit, except for heart failure and problems with the joints and back. For weight loss you need Jogging, which does not include any high speed. Efficient running, which will train the heart and burn excess fat is in the range of 100-140 beats per minute. The upper and lower threshold depend on the personal characteristics.

To run you need to start relying on your feelings. You need to purchase a heart rate monitor and running shoes for feet security and low stress on the joints.

If we consider a universal program, it will look something like this: 

  • The first week 10-17 minutes 
  • The second week 15-25 minutes 
  • The third week 20-30 minutes 

If these loads are moderate, starting from the fourth week increase the time needed to jog for 5 minutes. To run best in the evening this will provide you with healthy and quality sleep. Eating 2-3 hours is impossible. After the run, you can not drink large amounts of water this will greatly complicate the work of the heart. One glass of water is enough to wet the throat, to drink water in normal mode not in less than an hour after jogging.

As you see nothing complicated. You know how to run to lose weight fast and now there are no obstacles! Good luck!


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