A set of exercises for weight loss at home. 10 basic rules for beginners.

It is not necessary to justify my laziness with things that prevent you from attending the gym or pool. No money, too far, uncomfortable, not enough time. But what can stop to do exercises for weight loss at home? It's not a less efficient method, which will help to lose weight quickly.

The complex of exercises for weight loss at home you can choose for yourself by watching the video tutorials. But only regular exercise with the observance of certain rules will lead to a long-awaited result.

10 rules for beginners

  1. Tune in to the result. What is your goal? What is the motive? To make alluring curves or to strengthen leg muscles? What can make you step by step to go to the target?
  2. A set of exercises that you will do for weight loss at home, you must perform at least three times a week.
  3. Increase the load slowly. Start today with a 15 minute complex of simple exercises. If you are just beginning an exercise, find a video for beginners. 
  4. Watch out for health. During the execution of the exercises, you have to be hard. Try to get out of the comfort zone, but pay attention to your feelings. Stop if you feel discomfort and even pain.
  5. Do the workout. Prepare your body for the exercises to lose weight at home and fat is burned more intense. Usually, fitness complexes start with a warm up. Anything to invent it is not necessary. 
  6. Pick exercises for all the muscle groups. In the future, when you move on to the next stage of sports development, you will use weight training with weights, to alternately train the different muscles: abdominal  and sides, back and shoulder. And today you have to bring gradually all the muscles. Start at the top, from the neck down gradually to the lower parts of the body.
  7. Do the exercises correctly. Doing exercises for weight loss at home, you are waiting for the result. The result may not be if you neglect the technique.
  8. Finish the complex with stretching exercises. The traditional warm-up at the end of the class will develop in you the flexibility and femininity if you include stretching. This is a great exercise for weight loss. But don't overdo it. Though the muscles at the end of classes are well-heated, but it is possible to inadvertently damage theirs.
  9. Eat right. How to finally get rid of the folds at the waist and over the sides? Food, too, must become a complex. Deprive yourself of fat, flour smoked and sweet. eat boiled lean meat, fresh vegetables, fruit. It is also all very tasty, and, moreover, is also useful.
  10. Drink water. Plain water works wonders. It will save you from thirst and hunger, cleanse the body, speed up the metabolism. Previously mistakenly believed that drinking during the training is impossible. Possible and necessary, but in small quantities.
To determine the allowable load for you will help for a pulse. Subtract from 220, the number equal to your age. If during exercise the heart rate exceeds your optimum heartbeat, it increases the load on the heart. If it is less - your workout is not effective.

Versatile exercises for beginners

Gradually use all the muscles of the back, buttocks, hips, legs, etc.

The warm-up.

  • step in place for 1 minute
  • the circular motion of the neck, 10 circles in both directions
  • alternating shoulder lifts – 15 times
  • twists in hand on 8 times forward and backward, left and right
  • tilts – 12 times
  • easy running on the spot
Exercises for arms and shoulders

  • Pushups from the wall. Stand two feet from wall, lean towards it with bent arms.  With the power of bend and unbend hands, while maintaining a straight body. If you want to intensify the exercise, increase the distance from the feet to the wall. Do 20 push-UPS.
  • Plank. Is a universal static position, during which work for several muscle groups. Lie on the floor on your stomach, lean on bent knees and feet and lift your upper body up so that it was straight from your head to your feet. Keep the elbows was just below the shoulder, and hands are parallel to each other. To stand for the first time, even 20 seconds is a feat. But is not necessary to stay at this time. 2 minutes will lead you to weight loss.
Exercises for belly

Slim waist without overhanging the sides, elastic press very soon you will have if you regularly perform the following complex

  • Twisting. Lying on the floor, put the bent leg on the floor, hands on nape. Slowly lift your head up, the blades stayed on the floor. Lock the position and return back. Start with 12 lifts, aim for 20.
  • The reverse twisting. Retaining its original position, lift up the bent leg. Twist yourself with them, making them move forward and, taking from the floor the buttocks. The initial number of repetitions – 10-12.
  • Twisting the sides. To get rid of the sides and to strengthen the obliques will help to twist to the side. The situation is the same as in the first exercise, only turning to the right and left a side. After 12 movements in each direction, the sides will be less.
Use at home workouts available tools, which will not only accelerate results but also diversifies the usual movement. It can be an exercise ball, a Hoop, a ball, dumbbells.

Exercises for legs and buttocks

The complex will include familiar to us from childhood exercises 

  • Squats. Steadily stand on the floor, spread feet shoulder width apart. Knees at the same time look to the side. Glutes maximally only when you lower them below the knee. For the first time enough 10 proper squats. But the need to strive for greater 20-30-40 times.
  • Attacks. Correct attacks – this is when the angle between the bent legs is 90 degrees. No need to hurry. Do alternately deep step skillfully, then you will quickly feel your muscles 

Finish any complex with stretching exercises

  • stretching up your hands
  • bend over, clasping hands alternately left and right legs and clinging to the body


  1. The question on whether you're still gaining weight is pretty tricky. I recommend that you take your height and weight regularly to find your healthy BMI range. It's important for you to find your "healthy" BMI for a number of reasons. Most importantly, your weight is most likely within your ideal weight if you stay within that range, so it's important that you lose weight at your ideal rate in order to maintain that. Also, it'll probably keep your body from "fighting" weight issues while you lose weight. When and if you hit your ideal weight you need to check with your healthcare provider. What is the ideal BMI for a woman?


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