Best way to lose water weight - myth or reality?

Long-known miraculous properties of water, which is the basis of all human life. The first nine months of his stay in the womb we are in the water, are born, drink the water and bathe in it, all natural food partly composed of water. That is why people ask a perfectly reasonable question, but can I use water to lose weight easy? 

Facts about water weight loss: 

The opportunity to lose weight easy with water is a myth that is actively propagated in the modern world. The use of water in certain quantities allows you only to make the process of losing weight faster and permanent. Water is needed by the body for normal functioning, it speeds up our metabolism. But we are talking only about pure water, not juice, tea, coffee or carbonated drinks, whose influence on our organism is very doubtful.

So why the myth about the possibility to lose weight with water is not real? The water itself is not a tool for weight loss.

Just drinking any amount of water or by adding lemon or using any of the doubtful effective folk remedies, you will never lose weight easily. Therefore, the weight loss will be real if the change of diet and exercise.

Why is water important to humans? Probably, already for anybody, not a secret that peoples on the two-thirds water. But few know that the human body uses around 2.5 liters of fluid a day.

Let's look in more detail: 

  • Approximately 800 daily ml of water leaves the body with sweat 
  • 130 ml goes through the intestines 
  • Breathing requires 320 ml per day 
  • The greatest part of the fluid expelled daily from the body kidneys 1.5 liters 

It's worth noting that in the summer the quantity of discharge fluid increases markedly. Accordingly, and to drink a day have more. How can we use knowledge about water to achieve their goals and finally find the answer to the question about how can I lose weight easy with water?

If you decide to consult with a specialist about the weight loss, the first thing you will hear is the recommendation to consume at least 1.5-2 liters of water. Please note that this is half a liter of clean drinking water, do not take into account teas, fruit drinks, juices, soups, etc., they are perceived by our body as food and not as a drink.

The importance of water in the process of losing weight:

Wash out toxins from the body and toxins in the process of losing weight is the main reason for obligatory consumption of large amounts of water daily. The increase in the content of toxins occurs through the consumption of fat cells, which reliably hide harmful substances for the organism in its tissues. Accordingly, when fat reserves started to disappear, the toxins are released and can cause significant harm to human health.

What problems can occur? 

  • The odor from the oral cavity 
  • Constipation and renal dysfunction 
  • Swelling of the lower extremities and face 

Water for the body is the engine of all biochemical processes, it is, therefore, necessary to accurately track the amount entering the body of liquid. Water is indispensable for an efficient and rapid destruction of fat cells. Let's try to get to the bottom and find a concrete action plan in order to understand how to lose weight with water.

Rapid weight loss is always considered stress to the body. Also, weight loss can cause the formation of stones in kidney, bladder and gall bladder. There are cases of thickening of the blood. To prevent all the negative effects of rapid weight loss you need to drink a necessary quantity of drinking water. The only way you can achieve beauty without harm.

The role of water for a human body still continues to explore many scientists in the world. Today a popular theory when the health of the person depends on the amount they drink per day water.

Scientists say that while getting the required daily amount of fluid: 

  • Significantly increased activity, both physically and mentally 
  • The person becomes more attentive and can boast of a good memory 
  • Significantly increases stress tolerance 
  • After a long mental strain spent power will quickly return 

Tips on losing weight easy with water:

All people can be divided into two categories: some people drink enough water per day, and for them it is normal, others barely reach liters of clean drinking water a day to slake the thirst mostly teas, juices, compotes and mineral water.

People, who belonging to the second category, often simply forget to drink water, and then they try to drink as much as possible in one go. It's bad. Water should be ingested gradually. So, for example, you can drink a glass of water every hour or to make another more suitable scheme for you personally.

IMPORTANT! In diseases of the urinary system, wanting to increase daily amount of drinking water you need to consult with your doctor.

Many are interested in the ratio of fluid intake and food. So people who rapidly going to the goal of obtaining a perfect figure, interested in the question of when to drink water. It is popular opinion that drinking a glass of water is required for 60 minutes before a meal and 60 minutes after a meal. This opinion is largely erroneous.

It is also believed that the water, entering the stomach, washes out the accumulated gastric juice, thus preventing proper digestion. And again this statement has no scientific justification. Water is not in contact with the contents of the stomach and directly with the gastric juice. It passes through the gastric folds of the lesser curvature and immediately goes into the duodenum.

In many countries the presence of the carafe of water on the table during the meal be sure. People drink water regardless of whether they ate already or not. Therefore, the question of when to drink water, the only correct answer always! Once you start to feel thirsty, don't hesitate and drink as much water as you need to feel comfortable.

Absolutely everyone needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. If you notice that you consume the scanty amount of fluid, the urgent need to correct this situation. For a start, drink at least 4 glasses of water a day, gradually increasing its quantity to the required standards.


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