How to lose excess belly fat? 3 Steps in the process of weight loss

The stomach is a problem area for many women, especially porous. Let's talk about effective ways to make your waist slimmer. However, immediately mentally prepare yourself for what you really need to work on yourself. 


People who have managed to get rid of excess belly fat, all with one voice say that before you tighten the skin in the abdominal area, you need to clean the whole body from unnecessary toxins. In the human body throughout life accumulate slag deposits, which will eventually decompose, causing damage to all the internal organs.

But nature has thought through all the nuances and the body protects the organs from the negative effects of toxins with fat. That is the belly fat is a protection of the liver, kidneys, etc. Therefore, in order to remove the excess folds and fat, need to get rid of toxins, and then to torture yourself with diet and exercise. 

How to clean the intestines? 

Doctors claim that the most effective way of cleansing the bowel is an enema. Ordinary enema capacity of 1.5 liters is able to give the maximum effect. No need to buy perverted fixtures, which are now very much sold in pharmacies and beauty salons, a simple rubber pear to clean out your bowels this is an ideal option.

An enema will display all the slags and in the future will enable the body to get rid of belly fat. Of course, in order to belly is gone needs time so have patience, because the reward for all the efforts will be the most enjoyable. It is recommended to use an enema once in two days, the effect will be noticeable after a few days.

Composition for washing: 

  • 1.5 liters of warm water 
  • 1 tbsp table salt 

Sport will help with weight loss: 

To remove the belly, it is mandatory to play sports. This will not only speed up the process of weight loss but also can help to avoid many unpleasant consequences that can bring weight loss. After all, when the extra fat goes, that's the problem with saggy stretched skin. In some cases, you may develop stretch marks and stripes.

Do the exercises for the abs, this will help keep the muscles in the norm. Use only those exercises that actually work for the benefit of the whole body, remember that physical activity in your case should be directed to help the abdominal muscles. 

What exercises are best suited for slimming the waist? Training with a special Hoop the first and easiest method to prepare a press to more complicated exercises. Ways to pump up muscles, very much. Choose the one that is most suitable for you. Recall a schoolboy exercise lifting the torso from a prone position. However, it is better not to be limited to only one exercise and to practice a complex to train all the muscles in your problem area.

Remember that any physical activity to be carried out gradually, increasing the intensity. Start with the minimum, don't debilitate yourself with complicated movements. There is no need to rise fully when you bench press enough 45 degrees, the main thing is to do more approaches, that is, one exercise should consist of 50-70 reps.

If after the class you feel discomfort in the abdomen, then the next time add another twenty repetitions. You need to physically feel that you are really doing something. After the exercises at the press, it is possible to spin the Hoop. Repeat this exercise daily, but not on a full stomach. 

Healthy nutrition 

Eliminate very oily and junk food, especially processed foods. Eat more vegetables and fresh fruit. Drink plenty of fluids, water stimulates the metabolism. But just keep in mind that it must be drinking water tea, juices, coffee does not count. Balance your nutrition!


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