Benefits of paleo diet

Doesn't matter, whether you want to build muscle or lose 5 kg in 2 weeks. You may already know that success can be achieved only with the diet. 

Everyone knows the food that we eat every day is directly related to our appearance.  If our food contains missing nutrients, then our look will be corresponding. Conversely, if our food is not enriched with all required nutrients, it would have an effect on us.

You've probably heard about the paleo diet, because many books are written about it, mostly it  has only positive comments. So what is its essence and in fact whether it is so effective? And having studied the basic rules of the paleo meal plan, you will be able to understand whether it is appropriate for you. Let's see what you should know about it!

If you include enriched-minerals foods in your daily eating plan, do not even doubt about getting the desired effect.

The name "Paleo diet" is a shortened variation of the "Paleolithic diet". This approach tries to return to our origins and makes a plan wich is based on foods that a caveman ate in ancient times.

Obviously, in our time process of cooking is very different from that time. They had to hunt and gather food for dinner while we can go to any supermarket,  where a lot of semi-finished products  and already cooked food. We began to eat much worse and  less eat natural products. Observing this diet,  you will not eat semi-finished products, which are bought in supermarkets, you will begin to choose only a natural food. 

If thousand years ago it was normal, why we can't do it now? Your diet will consist of fish and meat, seeds, fruits,  fresh vegetables, roots, and nuts. 

In small amounts, you can use vegetable oil. Exclude from your meal plan - legumes, cereals, dairy products, fatty meat , vegetables rich in carbohydrates and food with high salt (for example: salted peanuts).


Main paleo diet benefits:

In the early days of this diet, your sugar level is normalized. Many people suffer from sugar level changes, so the benefits of this meal plan are obvious. When your sugar is stable, you don't often feel very hungry, tired and the risk of diabetes is much lower. The basis of the paleo diet includes food wich contains unsaturated fats (seeds and nuts). Consumption of saturated fats will be reduced by excluding fatty meat and dairy products from your daily eating plan. the level of cholesterol in your body will decrease, influencing the reduction of circulatory system diseases development.

Observing this diet, you will not need to find additional sources of protein because each of the meals will include lean meat. A combination of lean meat with lots of fruits and vegetables will enhance the reduction of calories consumed, having a great impact on the body weight decrease. If you want to build muscle, you can just add in your meal more seeds and nuts. In this case, you will eat foods enriched with unsaturated fats and get a satisfactory amount of calories.


What are the disadvantages of paleo diet meal plan? 

The most serious and easily corrected problem is the missing number of carbohydrates. This problem will appear if you will train very hard. You don't have enough carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits. You will feel weakness after training.

If every day you need to get more than 4000 calories, 2000 of which are carbohydrates, in this case, you will be very hard to follow this diet. Glucose is the only energy source during heavy training (fats do not affect this process), you need to find a way out of this situation.This problem is easy to solve. You need to increase the number of fruits with high carbohydrates in your daily diet plan. Use cherry, pineapple, bananas. Each such fruit will give you no more than 100 calories.

There is another issue facing vegetarians. Sources of proteins for vegetarians are the soy, quinoa, chickpeas, lentils and other legumes, but they cannot be consumed during this diet. Vegetarians need to find a new source of protein

How to begin paleo diet?

If you decide to change your life by going on the paleo diet, remove processed food and carbohydrate foods from your meal plan. First of all, you should exclude it. After this exclude dairy products, fatty meats and legumes. Your body will not stress if you exclude this one by one.

These are the main aspects. This meal plan will give great benefits to your health and will help to lose your weight quickly and maintain it at a normal level.


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