How to lose baby belly? 4 steps

In the period of carrying a baby, the muscles of the abdominal wall of the expectant mother are strongly stretched. After giving birth in this area of the body forms something of a niche where the hard body puts fat. Of course, the woman is not happy, but with the formation of the belly to fight for. How to lose baby belly and it does not become similar to Schwarzenegger this question is raised by young mothers most often! 

It is considered that the weight loss after giving birth is complicated by the fact that a nursing mother needs eat well. But full, and well does not mean eat a lot and everything. Natural and vitamin-rich food in moderation is definitely not gonna hurt the baby and figure. And too oily, spicy, salty and sweet foods still do not enrich Your breast milk is useful components, so Your rejection of them the child will not notice.

The first step: 

On the road to getting rid of the postpartum belly is not exhausting diets or postpone weight loss for later, and an immediate transition to a healthy nutrition. Without this, all Your attempts to correct the figure will be in vain. 

Step second step - physical exercise:

Convince yourself that Your body has accumulated fat on the abdomen it orders to then he was where to draw energy for sports. Of course, we are not talking about big-time sports and many hours of daily training, of course, if in your plans there are no Olympic medals, but some of the exercises You will be able to do. Again, the main thing regularity. Over time, you will notice that steel is much tougher to physical exercise. 

The third step - is massage:

Here do not need any special skills. After taking a bath or shower, apply to the surface of the abdomen a little cream or any vegetable oil and light circular movements massage the stomach. This simple procedure stimulates burn of fat from this area of the body. Remember that this step is important in the regularity, not the force with which you are massaging the folds on the abdomen. 

Step four - use of a special brace or wide waist belt: 

This is necessary in order for the muscles of the abdominal wall back to its original position. 

The above tips are the most simple and effective way to solve the problem of how to lose baby belly. You are required only patience and willpower, but the results are worth it.


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