How to lose a beer belly? Causes and quick methods for getting rid of big belly

A huge number of people faced with this problem, as the so-called "beer belly". Large folds of fat in the abdomen inhibits its wearer both mentally and physically. But, unfortunately, must disappoint those who believe that the reason the beer, because everything is much more complicated. Beer as a beverage generally has no relation to the fatty crease in the belly area. So, let's look at why starting to grow a potbelly and how to remove a "beer belly". 

Сauses of beer belly 

Beer belly is characteristic of the representatives of the stronger sex. So arranged by nature that the fat deposits in men are formed primarily in the abdomen, and in females in the hips. Why is the big belly called a beer belly? Beer is a very high-calorie product, but a fan of this drink can be consumed several liters in one go and completely not aware of how many calories he consumed. Furthermore, beer improves appetite and the body gets more calories along with a snack. The human stomach has the ability to stretch and squeezed. The beer stomach is very distended because of a large number of incoming fluid, and hence the food he is able to accommodate very much. You need a lot to eat to feel full. It should be noted that regular alcohol consumption affects the metabolism and contributes to the development of many diseases.

Why is a beer belly bad? 

First, a big belly is ugly and unhealthy. Secondly, after the regular and copious consumption of beer, the male hormone testosterone is transformed into the female hormone estrogen, it can cause irreparable consequences. Fat may appear not only in the abdomen but also the hips.

How to lose a beer belly correct and quick? 

Add physical activity: 

If you are concerned about the problems associated with excess belly fat, then exercise will help quick and easy to fix. The daily workout will not only feel energized but also relieve emotional stress, escape from everyday hustle and bustle and come to work with a "fresh" head. To do at home or gym it doesn't matter. Of course, during a workout you should focus on crunches. But in principle, any physical activity will contribute to your weight loss.

Eat right: 

If you decide to remove a beer belly, the first thing you must view your diet. Eliminate beer, fatty, sweet, fried, spicy, salty foods and processed foods. Forget the flour and smoked food. Eat more vegetables and fruits, cereals and seafood.

You can see for yourself that the saturation comes in 10-15 minutes after eating. So if you want supplements better to stop and wait for some time and the feeling of hunger will pass.

Give up the dinner. Instead, drink one hour before bedtime one Cup of low-fat yogurt. There is also a method of surgical solutions to obesity problems, but any operation is a risk and a severe blow to the human body. So it will be better if the surgical procedure will be avoided. In the end I will give some more advice regarding proper nutrition. TheIn the end,ll help you lose beer belly:
  • Eat small portions but often 
  • Eat every day at the same time 
  • Forget about dinner, eating before bedtime is a very detrimental effect on all systems of the body. Exceptionally, it is possible to eat a small apple or drink fat-free yogurt.


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