Weight loss during breastfeeding. Healthy habits and proper nutrition

Difficult time of the first year of baby's life is complicated by the dissatisfaction of a young mother in their appearance. It is important to note that those extra pounds that have not gone after childbirth are much easier to clean up right away, not shelving them. But how to lose weight easy while breastfeeding and do no harm to this kid?

The body just gave birth women weakened, so in the choice of methods for weight loss are excluded from grueling diet and heavy exercise. Especially if breastfeeding does not work especially to cut back your meal. Therefore, the development tactics of weight loss while breastfeeding requires a special approach. Women have been able to find the answer to the question, how to change your life to regain its former attractive forms. 

Healthy habits 

Extra pounds do not simply appear. They are a direct consequence of doing the wrong lifestyle. And during pregnancy and after, plus interfering with the hormones. But if you lead the fight against overweight thoughtfully they just won't have a chance.

Tip 1: Breastfeeding a baby at his first request

If in ordinary circumstances most important for women is the effectiveness of the selected for weight loss in the breastfeeding method, a mother feeding the baby's chest, paying special attention to the safety of their child.Scientists believe that the rapid restoration of hormonal balance in the body of a young mother should feed the baby on demand and not as previously thought by the hour.

Rapid restoration of a hormonal background will not only get rid of two or three extra kilos but also provide an opportunity to forget about cellulite and huge for parous women the problem is the stretch marks. Feeding the baby breast milk as long as possible, you can avoid postpartum depression and provide maximum psychological closeness with the baby.

Tip 2: Find the time for sports 

Lack of time and the need to always be near the baby do some Hiking in gyms or swimming pools are problematic for young mothers. However, from such a complex situation you can get out, will cheat, to effectively lose weight easy while breastfeeding.

Walk with your baby walk for a few miles for one trip. Also, will help frequent General cleaning in the house. Thus, you will combine business with pleasure, and slowly reducing the weight and maintain perfect cleanliness in the apartment.

How to eat to lose weight easy while breastfeeding? 

The diet of a young mother scientists studying this question for many centuries. How many on this subject, written literature as it is checked on personal experience giving birth. It is important to understand that not exist diets for nursing mothers. Here you can hear only the main recommendations regarding the exclusion from the diet of fatty foods, sweet, flour, etc.

That is, young mothers need just to adhere to the basic rules of healthy eating. Techniques of the fractional power here will also be very appropriate. The daily amount of food should be divided into 5-6 receptions, determine the volume of each portion. The main thing not to overeat, but to stay hungry and not worth it.

So, to summarize, to overcome the path to a slim figure will help: 

  • Large reserves of patience 
  • Proper nutrition 
  • Feeding the baby on demand 
  • Exercise. 

Don't give up! You will surely achieve a positive result!

IMPORTANT! If you do everything right and the weight for a long time does not go away should consult a doctor, because the cause of excess weight may lurk in the thyroid problems!


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