How to lose weight safely in the postpartum period?

After the onset of the happiest moment in the life of any woman and her family, there is a legitimate question how to quickly lose weight after childbirth and return to normal life? Usually about this issue, women are beginning to think after feeding the baby's chest. When a woman has fulfilled her natural function of breastfeeding, the time comes, as they say, to think about myself. 

This article will help you understand how and where to start struggle with excess weight after childbirth. Gathering will power in a fist, you will quickly be able to achieve the desired result and to return to their former shape and become more slender and attractive.

Not necessarily severely limit and to pace yourself to lose weight fast after giving birth. Especially that strict diet for the woman who had just finished breastfeeding is very dangerous because the body of a young mother still too weak to withstand drastic methods of weight loss.

Correct your menu: 

Healthy nutrition - this is the first where you need to start losing weight. Every day you need to eat the following foods: 
  • fresh vegetables and fruits 
  • berry 
  • cereal 
  • dairy products 
  • greens 

It is also important to determine an optimal portion to come out from behind the desk and not left hungry. If you are still breastfeeding, it is better to give preference to the fractional power, that is to eat often but in small portions. So, nursing mothers can break the daily norm of food on six receptions. Those who have completed breastfeeding, eating more than three times a day is not recommended. This tactic will allow you to lose fat quickly after giving birth.

Practice fasting days 

To fast lose weight after childbirth must be done fasting days! To organize a day of fasting is necessary at least once a week. Such a day does not mean starvation. But in this day you can eat only vegetables or fruits, you can also perform kefir fasting days, eating the whole day only this product. 

For cleansing, the body should be consumed a large number of grains. They quickly display stagnant in the body of toxins and waste products, whose number increases dramatically with the breakdown of fatty tissue. As well to cleanse the body will help eating cereals for several days. It will be a kind of diet that not only effectively impact on your wellbeing, but will also give significant impetus to the process of shedding weight.

Add physical activity 

Having dealt with nutrition, it is necessary to dwell on the physical exercises, without which the slimming process is less effective and will not bring the desired result. Young moms can't always allocate a free time for gyms, so they have to perform a variety of physical exercises at home.

If possible, buy yourself an exercise bike or a treadmill. Also of invaluable assistance in slimming are long walks with the baby. In spare time put the child to sleep, perform a small set of exercises that allows you to keep muscles toned and tighten the skin.

Be sure to swing by the press, because the stomach is the most problematic area in women after childbirth. Сomposition exercises should be as wide as possible!

Very effective are the familiar exercises with a Hoop and rolling pin. Fifteen minutes a day will be enough. Opportunities for physical activity much, the main thing to find within yourself the desire to take care of your appearance and health. Do not be redundant stretching exercises, because the flexibility for women is very important, besides, such exercises will improve your posture.

In the beginning, it will be difficult. Hard to get used to the dietary restrictions and exercise after a long break during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. But if you want to lose weight quickly after giving birth then you have to steel himself and do it.

Once you start to train, the main thing is to understand that to achieve the desired result at once will not work, will have to wait a bit. But after a while of sports and healthy nutrition, you become embroiled in this lifestyle, and it will not be a burden on you, but on the contrary will bring pleasure.


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