What diet helps to lose weight in 10 days? How to prepare diet menu individually?

A diet which helps to lose weight 10 kg in 10 days is included in the category - rapid weight loss. There are several variants of this diet, each one can choose based on their tastes and preferences. With the right approach, it will not bring harm to health. It should be understood that not every case this diet will really benefit, if the weight is relatively small, in practice, be able to lose 3-5 or 5-7 pounds, but fat people can lose 8-10 pounds and become more beautiful and slimmer.

To the effect of the diet was only positive, consult a doctor. Even beautiful and slender figure is not necessary for good health, so you should lose weight wisely. Do not use the diet if you have diseases of the endocrine system.

Choice of menu for the diet

For weight loss 10 pounds in 10 days, you must determine the type of the diet and nutrition of its menu. Such a diet can be carried out in three different versions

  • A low-calorie diet based on light vegetable soup.
  • Protein foods.
  • Mono-diet, for example - buckwheat, dairy or vegetable.

Relief of excess weight in ten days or only a week on the soup without the fat – a great summer option, but don't underestimate its difficulty. By the way, if you think that ten days is too much, then change the diet to "lose 7 pounds in 7 days", even if you lose 5 pounds in a week, it will be a great result. An additional and very nice bonus is the purgation of toxins. 

The main difficulty of the diet with vegetable soup is its simplicity and low-calorie, mostly it is suitable for people with a strong will.  If you are not confident in their abilities, it is better to choose a compromise menu, because the frustrations and dissatisfaction will not help with weight loss.  

For those who love to eat, more suitable for the second variant of the diet, based mainly on the consumption of protein and with a minimal amount of carbohydrates. Proteins are not moving in fat, so this food will allow you to quickly throw off those extra pounds in 10 days or a week.

Protein diet is quite hearty, however, this advantage has a significant disadvantage – high consumption of protein provokes a greater burden on the liver and kidneys. To adhere to such a diet is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The easiest option – mono-diet. The main diet is divided into several small mono-diet, for example, buckwheat, Apple, fish and so on. Significant advantages of this method are rapid weight loss, dietary diversity, large selection of products for the menu.

Please note! On the mono-diet you need to eat only the selected product, it's not filled with spices, oils, sauces and so on, you can add a bit of salt. Don't forget that for each day a special food you must have in store a supply of clean water – at least two liters.

Easy fresh soup

Slimming vegetable soup during the week or 10 days suitable for middle-aged women, to 35-45 years in the intestine accumulates so many toxins that the toxicity begins to manifest itself, acne and the appearance of a layer of excess fat on the stomach. A diet vegetable soup during the week, and better than 10 days, you can not only lose weight but also eliminate edema, significantly improve the color of the skin.

So, as you already understood, the main dish of the first embodiment of the diet for 10 days – it's vegetable soup.  Calorie content of this dish does not exceed 50 calories per serving. The composition of the soup includes the mandatory ingredients – cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, celery, bell pepper, onion, parsley. Cook soup without spices, and ideally without salt. 

In order for the soup not tired, you can experiment with different types of cabbage, just look at how many flavors you can get – cabbage, broccoli, Savoy, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, red, kohlrabi. To create a certain flavor will help fresh herbs, don't limit this dish with onion and parsley.

Menu for one day of diet:
  • Breakfast – freshly prepared soup, any fresh fruit.
  • Lunch – bowl of soup, vegetable salad, dressed with a drop of vegetable oil and lemon juice. The salad should not include potatoes and legumes.
  • Dinner – a bowl of soup, 1 glass of kefir, 50 grams of cheese. It is not recommended to use a soft and salty cheese.
To get the maximum result of diet try to a greater extent to consume vegetable soup and to eat less other foods. Do not forget the source of strength and health – clean water.

Protein foods

The essence of the protein diet is the rapid activation of metabolism in the body and not to reduce calories consumed. The optimal duration of the diet - no more than 10 days. You can stick to a diet minus 3 kg for 3 days, but a week or 10 days will result in the maximum possible result. Remember that the exit of Express diets should be soft. 

Products for protein diet allowed cooking, steamed, stew and bake, don't use spices, sugar, oil, do not use salt. During each day you should drink plenty of clean water, the drinks also allowed green and herbal teas, black coffee. Combine protein diets with moderate exercise.

The menu for each day of the diet:

  1. Boiled eggs.
  2. Boiled fish – use white lean fish or red fish. In the fish day, you can also eat and seafood.
  3. Boiled chicken breast. For one day, boil 1 whole breast.
  4. Boiled potatoes without seasoning and salt.
  5. Boiled beef. For one day you need to cook 500 grams of meat.
  6. Fruit – the body needs carbohydrates, so one-day protein diet, we will dedicate to fresh and juicy fruits. For one day advisable consumption of 1-1,5 kilograms of fruit, do not forget that bananas and grapes should not to eat.
  7. Another carbohydrate a day for relaxation of the body – eat vegetable salad with the addition of leaf vegetables and aromatic herbs. You are allowed to take 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and as much fresh lemon juice. The salad should not include potatoes and beans.
  8. Cottage cheese – for this day, you can have up to 500 grams of cottage cheese. Do not torture yourself with bone-dry chemical, taken from supermarket shelves, natural cheese includes much more healthy nutrients.
  9. During the whole of the ninth day, drink 1 liter of yogurt.
  10. Finish the diet with super – hunger strike and throughout the day drink the delicious broth hips, this drink will enable us to get rid of toxins and clean the blood.
The use and choice of mono-diet

Mono-diet – convenient option, but you must follow certain rules. Nutritionists do not recommend for the whole week and, especially, in 10 days to eat only one product, whether buckwheat or fresh apples, in this case quite a long time, the body will not receive all of the vitamins and minerals which not available in this product. 

Rules for compiling mono-diet:
  • Every two or three days it should change the main product so that the body receives carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins. If today you made a choice in favor of buckwheat diet, after one or two days after beginning to eat fish or cheese.
  • Mono more than other diets leads to a deficiency of any vitamins, so nutritionists advise in the dieting to take vitamin complexes. Do not buy vitamins blindly, please seek professional medical advice.
  • If you don't want the extra pounds returned, correctly complete test passed for the body. Introduce foods gradually, prefer low-fat liquid meals, do not forget the benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as pure natural water.
Any weight loss much more efficient with exercise, but since the diet is already so stressful for the body, exercise should be moderate.


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