DIY body wraps for weight loss

Cellulite is a serious problem for female beauty. There are many procedures for the prevention and treatment of this scourge. One of the most effective is a wrap. To do this, use food film from cellulite, which creates a greenhouse effect. Of course, a special film sold for such cosmetic procedures, but the same positive result will give ordinary food film. 

The success of the application of this method of getting rid of cellulite depends on the correctness of its use. For example, if you want to get rid of cellulite on thighs, you need to wrap legs completely. It is very important not to tighten the food film hard, otherwise blood circulation will be disturbed, otherwise,you will not get rid of problem areas, but also earn yourself some new ones because the formation of cellulite depends on the circulation of our blood. 

If you realize a cold wrap, plastic wrap for cellulite should influence approximately 30-90 minutes, if You decide to hold hot wraps takes 15-30 minutes. During the cosmetic procedure is not recommended to be active, especially sports. Do household chores that do not require a lot of effort, and it is better to lie down. After removing the wrap, take a warm shower. 

Should not perform this procedure too often, despite the fact that, of course, you want to say goodbye to orange peel. Take a break between the wraps should be at least one day. 

Generally, wraps are divided into hot and cold. In different situations is more suitable one or another of his kind. For example, if You suffer from swelling,heaviness in the legs and fatigue, then You'll appreciate a cold seaweed body wrap. 

Wrap with cling film has a number of contraindications. These include any gynecological, skin and cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins, hypertension. Pregnant women are also advised to avoid this procedure against cellulite. 

The positive effect of the procedure is achieved mainly by removing excess fluid from the tissues. However, this effect is short-lived. The wrap should be combined with proper nutrition, exercise, massage, regular contrast shower then all the measures taken together will help You solve the problem with the cellulite.


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