Top 5 mistakes in your healthy daily diet

20% of your good shape depends on the gym, 80% - on proper nutrition. The balanced menu is a crucial element of training. Unless you understand this your trips to the gym will be a waste of time. We have collected and described five most common mistakes concerning diet menu to help you to get rid of them. Be honest with yourself and admit that you have made at least one of them!

1. You eat too little 

Your weight depends on a simple formula: calories received minus calories spent. If the result is positive, then be ready that your jeans will reap. If it is negative, you will soon have to tighten the belt. But if you have ever seen those painful attempts of women lose weight easily, you should know that starvation is not a solution. The basis for the long-term program to get rid of overweight should be concerned with the increase of the muscle mass amount. And if you do not eat enough, your biceps will get smaller just as your waist.


Calculate your daily ration. Then try to make sure that it contains 30% of fat, 40% of carbohydrates and 30% of proteins.
Keep track of the received and used calories with the help of the Assistant Men's Health; in order to burn about 500 calories, your strength training has to be longer than cardio. The more muscle you build up, the more calories you will burn, because muscles always need energy. Even eight hours of sleep with bigger muscles will help you to lose weight easily.

2. You do not eat fat

If you eat only boiled chicken breast with quinoa but spend the whole day in a chair you will still look like a "bubble." Allow yourself to have that burger for lunch, but do 50 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, three chin-ups and a pair of easy cardio exercises like rope jumping in the evening and everything will be fine.


If you want to lose weight easy, limiting the intake of fatty foods is the right decision, because one tablespoon of olive oil has twice as many calories as one tablespoon of protein. But eliminating fat completely is a mistake.
Without it, your body can not produce the hormones that turn proteins into muscle tissue and without it you are will never lose your belly fat. You should eat 30% of fat every day. But do not forget about training!

3. You overeat before going to bed

Morning rush and all of the things you have to do during the day lead to the fact that most of us have a major share of food in the evening. While we are sleeping we burn calories with the speed one calory per year.


Listen to the old wisdom: "Eat your breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper." Spanish researchers have shown that those who get most of the calories till 3 p.m. lose weight easy and more effectively, because it gives them more energy during the day and they are more likely to burn the calories they had received.
In the evening, eat fewer carbohydrates. This way your body will build muscles at night instead of storing some fat. But do not stay hungry before bedtime, it is also dangerous!

4. You abandoned carbohydrates completely 

Of course, it is better to reduce the intake of carbohydrates, especially if it is bread and French fries. However, a complete rejection from them is not only painful, but also harmful: This way you deprive your body of the fuel on which the muscles work. 


Eat carbohydrates in the morning and choose products made from whole wheat flour. General rule runs as follows: bread, rice, pasta are dangerous guests at your table, but if you really want them, choose expensive foods. And forget about the beer!

5. You eat only gluten-free food 

Foods without gluten a myth or reality? It is acceptable only if you have an intolerance to gluten. But if you have become a victim of one of the trendy diets that threat us with the dangers of gluten, come back down to Earth immediately!


Only 10% of people suffer from gluten intolerance. Gluten is a complex protein that is found in many kinds of cereal. If you have a genetic predisposition to the intolerance of one of gluten factions, your body will produce an inflammatory response.
The immune system of patients with celiac disease recognizes this protein as enthetic and attacks it with all available means. Epidemic gluten intolerance is one of the problems of Americans, which is why the dangers of this protein began known all over the world. If you do not feel bad after eating starchy foods, do not bother with this nonsense at all.


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