How to lose weight at home fast? Diet to lose weight in a week

Diet is the surest way to lose weight and if you do sports then the effect will not keep itself waiting. In any diet not forget that weight reduction without exercise is flabby and loose skin. It is necessary to Supplement the diet physical activity. Make the muscles work and they pulled up your skin. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with difficult exercises, perform simple movement: 

  • torso twists 
  • tilts forward and back 
  • squats 
  • running 
  • the circular movement of the body 

For quick weight loss need a little bit of desire and a strict diet. And no need to say that you have no willpower, and therefore you are unable todiet. So, we present to your attention an effective program that will help you to lose weight quickly, in just a week. 

7 Days for healthy weight loss 

There is a special weekly diet for weight loss and many claim that this method gives a stunning effect. With following diet, you can lose seven toten pounds of excess weight, very quickly. Remember that any use of spices is strictly prohibited, only allowed honey. Fruits and vegetables should be alternated, and to use them in time intervals, i.e. between main meals. So here's the menu for the week: 

Day 1 

First meal: (Breakfast) fish, yogurt, and greens (lettuce). The weight of the products selected individually, taking into account your needs. For example, fish 50g, yogurt 250 ml, you can add a little vegetable oil. 

The second meal: (lunch) 100 grams of boiled chicken breast (can be replaced with a lean piece of chicken), a few pieces of bread and hard boiled egg. Dinner is not desirable, in severe attacks of hunger are allowed to drink one glass of low-fat yogurt. 

Day 2 

The first meal: in the morning need to eat the celery (weight of your choice), 100 g of veal boiled, you can also boil the potatoes, tea after eating (green, no sugar).

The second meal: about 100 grams of yogurt (skim), oatmeal and allowed to eat a few dates. If the feeling of satiety does not occur, you can still eat cheese, about 50g. Still without dinner. 

Day 3 

First meal: chicken breast boiled (about 50-60 g), a slice of bread, a mug of low-fat chicken broth. The presence in food of spices, in particular, saltand sugar, is unacceptable. Remember that every Breakfast needs to be easy and simple, do not torture your body, eat only healthy food. 

The second meal: a few slices of toasted rye bread, spinach leaves and a small piece of veal, literally 50-70 grams. You can eat an orange or an apple, no dinner. 

Day 4

The first meal: buckwheat (slightly more than half of the plates), salad of fresh tomatoes without salt and pepper. You can pour the vegetable a small amount of vegetable olive oil. Wash down food with 250 ml of buttermilk (skim or 1%). 

The second meal: a plate of porridge made from rice (the brown variety), a bit of cheese and plums (50 g). Fruit and in particular grapefruit and kiwi can be eaten. 

Day 5 

The first meal: eat peppers and cucumber in a small quantity, chicken soft-boiled egg, and boiled veal in quantities of 100g. 

The second meal: 60g of chicken boiled breast, a small portion of beans (asparagus), orange and apple with small dimensions, walnuts. All in small quantities, keep in mind your height and initial weight. 

Day 6 

The first meal: fish broth, a little red boiled fish, a few tablespoons of boiled peas, tea (green with no sugar), a piece of rye bread. 

The second meal: porridge of rice (brown variety), salad with fresh tomatoes and green lettuce leaves, little sesame seeds and lemon juice. You can eat a banana. 

Day 7 

The first meal: a small plate of buckwheat porridge without salt and oil, fresh bell pepper (1-2 pieces), cheese in moderation, raisins, and tea can honey. 

The second meal: lentils cooked in steam, to 100 g of boiled beef, half a Cup yogurt without fruit additives, some almonds or pine nuts. For dessert, you can eat a grape. Honor and praise you if you spend a week on the above diet.

However, the reward is not long to wait you will become lighter by a few pounds. Remember that all the weight figures should be individualized, taking into account the peculiarities of health and the body. The break between meals should be at least 4-5 hours. In any case, don't eat at dinner it will just hurt your diet.

In addition to proper nutrition while dieting can be carried out such procedures as: 

  • A visit to the sauna or bath, it will help to consolidate the results of the diet 
  • Massage 
  • Wraps 

Be sure to remember that for a very small period of time, a good effect is almost impossible to achieve. Need to lose weight gradually and in acomplex with many methods. Before you try the diet, consult with your personal physician or the doctor you trust.


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